Proverbs Study

The Scripture Melodies Proverbs Study was developed for a family in which the youngest child was 10.  Ideas for questions, topical pages, and study sheets were adapted from Hidden Treasures, by Pam Forster. © 2004 Doorposts

The format of this study makes it ideal for a family to study together, regardless of the ages of the children.  Each member of the family may have his or her own binder and may write as much or as little as desired.  Even pre-readers will be able to listen and join in conversations, and they may enjoy drawing instead of writing on the study pages.

Although the study was developed with children in mind, it may be used by adults and older teens as well.  It may be used by individuals for personal Bible study as well as by groups for corporate Bible study.

There is one downloadable file (PDF) for each of the 31 chapters of Proverbs and one that includes all of the worksheets that are referenced in the study pages.  All of the study pages and worksheets are available as free downloads and may be printed and shared without restriction.

Get started!  Print one set of 31 chapter studies and the Proverbs Study Worksheets for each person who will be studying.  Add the pages to 3-ring binders.  Now all you need is a copy of the book of Proverbs, something to write with if desired, and a teachable heart.

Why circle a number?  Should I read the chapter 5 times?
You don’t have to circle any numbers if you don’t want to. If you choose to read the chapter aloud each day for several days, young children might enjoy keeping a record of how many times the chapter is read.  There is no certain number of times each chapter should be read.
How many days should I study each chapter?
You decide how many days you want to spend in each chapter.  (In our family study, we are spending 3-5 days in each chapter.)
Where is the answer key?
There is not an answer key for this study.  Answers will vary, depending on age and understanding.  Encourage your child to focus on becoming wise rather than on getting a “right” answer.
Should I fill in all the blanks?
The questions are intended to help children think about what they’ve read or heard.  They may simply talk with you about the questions and their thoughts.  It is not necessary to fill in all the blanks–or any of the blanks.  You determine how to use the worksheets in the way that will be most helpful to your child.
Do I need to study all these topics?
You decide which topics you want to study.  Each of these topics will be addressed in at least one chapter of Proverbs.  You may want to focus on a particular topic with your child and ignore the others.
What should I write on the topic pages?
Young children may discuss thoughts about a topic without writing on the topic sheet at all.  An older child may want to make a list of scripture references that address the topic or may choose to summarize what each chapter says about the topic.  As before, you determine how to use these sheets in the way that will be most helpful to your child.
Do you have a question that isn’t answered here?
Leave a comment or email us at [email protected].

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